Sunday, January 3, 2016


I'm more evolved than my former blogging self.  Now I'm merely a slightly larger speck of human in this vast universe, now more mature (I would think it's called).  Instead of venting and purging events out to an online diary, thinking they would later be for reference materials in my latter future, and reminding myself that life moves on, I now wouldn't even dare read what I've written in the past, and wonder how I could have a much more pleasureable experience moving around in this life.

People have themed blogs, where they post about their families, or their hobbies, or their cooking, or their reviews on specific things.  I'm too ADD for that.  I would never be able to have a focused blog catered to one unique thing.  I would also be a terrible journalist for that reason, even though I like to write.  So if you ever read this, just know:  it could be the most random excerpts of my life you probably would never truly care about.  But if you find any of this intriguing in any way, kick up a chair, sip your cup of joe, and read away.  Thank you for visiting.  =)

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